Thursday, 30 September 2010

Interesting Magazine Covers

This magazine cover really stood out to me and caught my eye. the use of bright electric colours, and the metallic red and gold are impressive and also attractive. We can tell 'Empire' magazine is an established magazine by the way the central image overlaps half the title. This certain magazine cover seems to follow the theme of the film it is featuring (Iron Man 2) and we can tell this by the normal title colour which is red, is turned into an electric blue, with lightening coming out of it to fit in with Iron Man and i really like the way it is done. the whole magazine seems to almost glow. The rest of the magazine is very simple, as most on it is taken up my the image. there is a few smaller images featured at the bottom, as sort f taster to what else is inside the magazine. there is a bar code which can be found on all magazines, as well as sub headings. With the subheadings on this certain cover saying 'Iron Man 2', it almost seems like a second title, but Empire can get away with it as it is so established and popular.

Interesting Magazine Covers

This magazine cover really stood out to me mainly because of its use of bold, primary colours. It is a cover for an American fashion magazine called 'nylon'. It inspires me for my preliminary print. i like the way the main headings on the cover are highlighted in yellow, it is almost like notes from school. I also think the way the title has a 'scratchy' scribble style makes it seem more fun and less formal, but still looks professional at the same time. The main central image is strong and empowering over the whole cover because it is strong, and the model has an alluring, no fuss look on her face; also the way she overlaps the master head shows this is an established magazine. There is quite a lot of writing, especially on the right hand side of the magazine, which fills up the page and makes it look more attractive.

Thursday, 2 September 2010

Key Media Terms

-Active consumer= a person who likes to consume the whole text, concentrates, and is dedicated to it.
- Passive consumer= Someone who vaguely consumes, more likely to let the information wash over them. They are usually less involved and aware.

- circulation= movement of material ( high circulation usually means global sales).

-Audience= the audience is a certain group of people a media text is aimed at. Their age, gender and interests all need to be considered so to insure their needs are met.

-Ideology= this is the body of ideas reflecting the social needs and aspirations of a social age group, class, or culture.

-Institution= a large organisation of similar people. a school is an institution.

-Genre= A text is classified into a genre through identification of its key elements which occur in the text. for example, different genres of film include 'comedy', 'thriller' and 'drama'.

About myself, and why i chose media

my name is abbie garland and i am a student at Chew Valley Sith form in year 12. i have chosen to study media for a few reasons. i started studying it at GCSE and really enjoyed the subject. i foud the aspects that we studied such as the popular press and film analysis interesting to write about and to discuss in class. i enjoy to watch films and read magazines in my freetime, and since learning about these materials i have started to look at them in a different, more analytical way.

I am not yet too sure what i would like to do with my future, but studying jurnalism at university has caught my eye. i have always liked english lessons and enjoy to write. i feel that media studies would really help with my understanding and knoledge of all the different aspects within jurnalism.

The aspects of 'the media' that most interest me would probably have to be the internet and film, as well as magazines. i spend alot of time on social networking sites such as facebook, like many of my peers do. I have always enjoyed watching all different types of film, things like big blockbusters, to small indie films. my preferable genre would probably have to be either comedy or thriller/mystery.
The types of magazines i read are mostly woman orientated, things such as 'Cosmopoiltan' and 'Heat Magazine' although i do sometimes read 'NME'.

I dont usually read the newspaper unless there is a featured article that takes my interest. i thing this is a bad quality in myself as newspapers keep people up to date with important things going on in our society so i would like to start ready the newspaper at least once a week.